Recognize There Is Room to Grow by Ricky Kalmon

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The human mind has an astounding capacity for learning. Unlike a computer’s hard drive, there is no limit to the knowledge and experiences that can be stored in it. However, some people believe that growth and learning only take place during our formative years, when we receive our formal education. That is not the case. In fact, unlike a person’s height or shoe size, the mind is the one part of the body that has an infinite ability to grow.  

The world around us is constantly evolving, and if we do not evolve and grow with it, we will become stagnant and place our success on a plateau.  

There is always room to grow—the mind has an incredible ability to change, adapt, and improve. This ability does not decline with age or with success. Personal and professional growth actually stimulate the mind, encourage innovation and creative thinking, and increase curiosity. Every new experience and piece of knowledge becomes part of the phenomenal encyclopedia stored in our mind. It is never lost—our subconscious continually refers to it in everything we do.  

Even CEOs and top leaders invest in their growth. They know that there is always room to grow, even at the top. Learning and growing must occur for a business to grow and adapt to changes. The same is true for people; they, too, must invest in their personal and professional development in order to increase their value. 

Learning and growth are like exercise for the mind. Just as we exercise our heart and muscles, we must continue throughout life to exercise our mind to keep it functioning at its best. Recognize that there is always room to grow and invest in learning every day. Don’t take it for granted—make a conscious effort to fuel your success by enriching your growth. Read a book, attend a workshop, take a class, get a new degree, or learn a new hobby or another language. Your mind is thirsty for knowledge and exercise—giving it permission to grow is the best investment you can make in your future. 

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Ricky Kalmon is a mindset expert, motivational speaker, and celebrity hypnotist who delivers high-energy and motivational keynote programs that will change the way you live, work, and think. By creating awareness of your thoughts, Kalmon reveals how to enhance your mindset to eliminate doubt and ignite your positive intentions. Hi book Leverage Your Mindset: Overcome Limiting Beliefs and Amplify Your Life! is published by Sound Wisdom and available for preorder from these and other fine retailers: AmazonBarnes & NobleBooks-a-MillionPorchlight BooksGoogle Play, and Apple Books. By purchasing the book, you’ll receive exclusive access to an audio support program on the Ricky Kalmon app. 


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