Power of a Decision by Jim Stovall

Photo by Kristin Hardwick from StockSnap 

I have long believed that the world belongs to the man or woman who is willing to make a decision and stick with it. Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.” Your mind is among the greatest miracles ever created. It will bring you whatever you tell it to pursue.  

We all move toward our most dominant thought. You may not have thought about a bright red sports car in months or even years, but by virtue of the fact that you are reading this column, you are more likely to spot several of them on the road in the near future. The fact that I mentioned a specific type of automobile or the fact that you read it here doesn’t create more of those cars, but it puts that idea in your mind, and your mind focuses on whatever you direct it to bring to your consciousness. 

Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come, and we become what we think about all day. This is why we need to spend a specific amount of our time each day engaging in putting positive, pure, and powerful thoughts into our mind. If you overindulge in watching news reports, you will think the whole world is going down the drain. While I believe we should stay informed and keep abreast of current events, we cannot allow news reports, Internet gossip, or social media to dominate our mind. 

My company, NTN, is a part of the television industry. The industry promotes several inconsistencies in the marketplace. On one hand, programmers often show inordinate amounts of violence and destructive images, but they assure the viewing public that it’s only fiction and make-believe so it doesn’t impact children or adults who might be watching. On the other hand, this same industry tells the business community that if they will simply write a check for thousands or even millions of dollars for advertising, that brief 30- or 60-second image of their product on television screens will promote a significant rise in sales. Obviously, advertising works because marketers continue to write huge checks to get their products and services in your consciousness. You must take control of your mind and not relinquish control to media, advertisers, or anyone else. 

As you go through your day today, control what goes into your mind, and you will control your life. 

Today’s the day!  

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Jim Stovall is the president of Narrative Television Network as well as a published author of many books, including The Ultimate Gift. He is also a columnist and motivational speaker. Listen to his Wisdom for Winners series on Audible. Follow him on Twitter (@stovallauthor) or Facebook (@jimstovallauthor). And be sure to sign up to receive free samples of Jim Stovall’s books and audiobooks from Sound Wisdom! 


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