Sound Wisdom Blog

Eileen Rockwell Eileen Rockwell

The Twelve Book Rule by Jim Stovall

Here in the 21st century, we don’t get compensated for how hard we work. We get compensated for how much we know. Becoming an expert on even a very small thing is generally better than having some basic knowledge of a lot of things. A brain surgeon may not know how to change his oil, turn on his vacuum, balance his check book, or run a washing machine. The brain surgeon may know very little about virtually everything, but if he or she knows virtually everything about brain surgery, that person will probably have a profitable, satisfying, and fulfilling life. 


Here in the 21st century, we don’t get compensated for how hard we work. We get compensated for how much we know. Becoming an expert on even a very small thing is generally better than having some basic knowledge of a lot of things. A brain surgeon may not know how to change his oil, turn on his vacuum, balance his check book, or run a washing machine. The brain surgeon may know very little about virtually everything, but if he or she knows virtually everything about brain surgery, that person will probably have a profitable, satisfying, and fulfilling life. 

It is a fascinating study to contemplate how much you need to know to be considered an expert in a given field. Our brain surgeon went to school, studied, and interned for over a decade.  

Most things in life do not involve this level of concentrated expertise. You may know absolutely nothing about actuarial tables, natural gas reserves, lift coefficients, major league batting averages, or cake recipes. It is fascinating to talk with people who are experts in these areas and many others and ask them how many textbooks or resources they have really mastered in order to be considered an expert.  

Most people would be surprised to know that in many endeavors of life, the right twelve books will put you into an elite category of knowledge. In many fields, you don’t even have to have elite knowledge. You simply need to know a little more than the average person on the street. Be sure if you’re going to study in a certain field to become an expert that you’re studying the right books.  

The right books are defined and determined only by the top experts in a field. In order to find these books, you’ve got to talk to the experts. In order to find the experts, you’ve got to ask other experts. If you inquire of many people, they will lead you to believe they are an expert or a top performer in their field. This may or may not be true; however, if instead you ask someone in a field who they think the top experts are, you will begin to get many of the same names. And lo and behold, you will find a short list of experts. If you call a handful of these people and ask them for a list of books or resources you should read, you will compile an amazing list. If you read one of these books each month for a year, you will quite likely be an expert within most any field you choose. 

As you go through your day today, decide what area you want to master. Read what the experts in that field read, and shortly you will not be talking to the experts, you will be an expert. 

Today’s the day! 


This and other motivational pieces by bestselling author Jim Stovall can be found in Wisdom for Winners Volume Two, an official publication of the Napoleon Hill Foundation. 

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Eileen Rockwell Eileen Rockwell

From English PhD to Entrepreneur: An Interview with the Founder of Runners Love Yoga by Jennifer Janechek

When I started my PhD program in 2012, I managed the stress of the coursework by running every morning before my classes. Running gave me a clarity unlike anything I had ever experienced, dramatically reduced my anxiety, made me noticeably more alert and responsive during classes, and kept me focused during grueling research and writing sessions. Around the same time, I started taking hot yoga classes at a local studio. I noticed that doing yoga a few days a week really helped my running: I was able to increase my mileage without getting too tired or experiencing an injury. 

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When I started my PhD program in 2012, I managed the stress of the coursework by running every morning before my classes. Running gave me a clarity unlike anything I had ever experienced, dramatically reduced my anxiety, made me noticeably more alert and responsive during classes, and kept me focused during grueling research and writing sessions. Around the same time, I started taking hot yoga classes at a local studio. I noticed that doing yoga a few days a week really helped my running: I was able to increase my mileage without getting too tired or experiencing an injury. 

Ann Mazur, PhD, founder of Runners Love Yoga, recognized the same thing and turned her love of yoga and running into a successful business. An elite runner and yoga instructor, Ann uses her knowledge of yoga to help competitive runners train harder and avoid season-ending injuries and enable recreational runners to discover the emotional and physical benefits of complementing running with yoga. I talked with Ann over the phone to learn more about the inspiration behind Runners Love Yoga (RLY), her transition from academia to entrepreneurship, and her goals as a business owner.  

Can you tell me a little bit about your business? 

I started Runners Love Yoga in the middle of my PhD program. I was teaching yoga to runners, and my friend Louise suggested that I make a DVD so that she could do my yoga routines on her own schedule and not just when I was teaching classes. I happened to have a friend who was in film school at Emerson in Boston, and so I flew up to Boston and made the first DVD there. So, it started with a yoga workout DVD geared toward runners. We’ve since added a clothing line and online streamable workouts. It’s gotten a lot bigger through Instagram with the monthly yoga challenges I offer.   

What was the inspiration behind Runners Love Yoga (aside from your friend’s suggestion)? 

The worst part about running is being an injured runner. I had an IT band injury my junior year of college [Ann was a runner for Notre Dame], and it showed me what yoga could do for runners. I would do pigeon pose almost every night, and it was the only thing that kept the injury from reappearing. Yoga helps you achieve a balanced/stronger body in a way that supports your performance. It also really helps you understand your body so that you can train in the best way possible for you. 

How does your PhD in English literature (from UVa—super impressive, y’all!) shape how you run your company? And what skills were transferable from your degree program to the world of entrepreneurship? 

Having my PhD has helped me enormously. The time in the PhD program and when I was a lecturer after getting my PhD gave me the opportunity to grow my business more slowly, without the pressure of having to support myself entirely by it—because there is that time when it’s essentially a hobby, and so it’s really useful to have something else going on. But more importantly, my time in the English PhD program gave me so many skills—namely, writing and communication skills. One of the most important aspects of teaching yoga is being able to explain the positions in a way that’s understandable for everyone—from seasoned yogis to new students. Also, teaching yoga and teaching English classes are both a lot like improv: you have to learn to read the room and adapt your lesson accordingly. My PhD program taught me great time management skills, which is really important for the business side of things. Academia is emotionally and mentally rough on you—it’s very high stress—so now as a business owner I can manage stress relatively easily. I view my PhD program as having been like a boot camp for being an entrepreneur. 

What do you love the most about owning your own business? 

The flexibility it gives me in terms of how I spend my time, though there’s an irony with this—I don’t work a normal 9-to-5 job, so I have flexibility there, but I probably work more hours than someone with that sort of job. I like that I can stop work and go for a run if I need/want to, and I like that I’m not tied down to one physical location so I’m able to travel to races. I also really value being able to help and reach people globally. My favorite part of being a lecturer was working with and helping my students; now, teaching yoga I get the classroom experience, but I also get to reach people worldwide through Instagram and through my online streamable workouts. I love getting to help runners so that they can keep doing what they love to do. 

What is your favorite social media platform for business use and why? 

Definitely Instagram. Younger people don’t seem to be using Facebook as much as they once did, and there are limitations to what you can do with Twitter. But with Instagram—especially with the platform’s capabilities constantly expanding—it’s opened the door to teaching snippets of yoga in a way that’s easily digestible for people on the go. And now you can even have up to fifteen-minute videos with Instagram TV.  

What is in store in the future for RLY? 

I’d like to continue growing our library of streamable yoga workouts so that people anywhere in the world can have the yoga videos at their fingertips. Right now we have twelve full-length workouts that run anywhere from ten minutes in length to just over an hour. They are catered to runners, with workouts that target body parts that can become trouble areas like the hips, core, and IT band. In addition to building that library, I’d like to continue growing our clothing line, which is a lot of fun to work on (but harder than people might imagine!). I’m also currently working on a yoga book for endurance athletes. 

What advice would you give to someone looking to start his or her own company? 

First, having another job can be very helpful. It can take the pressure off and enable you to grow your business at your own pace. Also, surround yourself with supportive people, and find a good mentor. I was lucky to have guidance on the retail end from my now-husband Philip, who designs clothing for cyclists—and now I’m able to help him! 

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Be sure to check out Runners Love Yoga online at and on Instagram at @doyogarunfaster. 

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Eileen Rockwell Eileen Rockwell

6 Smart Tips for Hiring Smarter by Shawn Doyle, CSP

One of the biggest downfalls I see in leaders is they don’t have great interviewing skills. For you to be successful, you must become an expert at interviewing. What we have to realize is that the work is not done by the leader; the work is done by the team. Therefore, if we hire the best team, we get the best results. 

One of the biggest downfalls I see in leaders is they don’t have great interviewing skills. For you to be successful, you must become an expert at interviewing. What we have to realize is that the work is not done by the leader; the work is done by the team. Therefore, if we hire the best team, we get the best results.   

Tips for Hiring Smarter  
Here are six tips for ensuring that you hire the best:  

  1. Make it your goal to find the best. 
    I see leaders in many industries settle for a candidate who seems okay but is not the best of the best. If you do that, you’ll pay for it later. Be the tortoise, not the hare. Take your time, be patient, and make sure that you’re hiring the cream of the crop. 

  2. Always be looking for new talent. 
    When you attend industry conferences and meetings and as you network, stay on the lookout for new talent. Sometimes when we least expect it, we come across the talent we will someday want to be on the team. Talk to them and get to know them professionally. Perhaps even ask them to send you a resume, and put it in your file of future talent. Keep in touch with this talent on a regular basis, and when you are ready to make a move, you now have a very strong “best of the best” candidate.   

  3. Become an interviewing artist. 
    Really strive to become a master interviewer. This is a skill and a science. Identify people in your organization who are known for being great interviewers. Ask them if you could sit in on one of their interviews. Be the proverbial “fly on the wall” and observe their techniques and approaches. I learned all of my best interviewing skills from a gentleman named Filemon, an executive to whom I once reported. He taught me the subtleties of effective interviewing approaches and techniques. If internal training on effective interviewing is available, take advantage of it. Secondly, read and study books and online courses on effective interviewing—you will find that you will learn a lot.  

  4. Have multiple interviews with multiple people. 
    In my experience, I have found that interviews that incorporate multiple people and that require the candidate to come back for several interviews are much more effective. Why does this work so well? The reason that this is so effective is that each time the candidate comes back for an interview, he or she becomes more relaxed and comfortable. This allows you, as the leader, to get beyond the techniques that they’ve learned in their interviewing books and classes and get to the real person. Additionally, if multiple people are interviewing the candidate, there may be areas identified by one person that were not identified by another. The reason for this is simple: some people have chemistry with one interviewer and not another. I once had a very strong candidate whom I interviewed two times and was practically ready to make them a job offer. That is when it got very interesting! I took the candidate to lunch for a third interview, and over lunch she revealed some ethical problems that she had in her last job (plagiarism), which clearly told me that she was not appropriate for our team. I believe that this would not have been revealed if we had only done two interviews and if she had not been interviewed by multiple people. By the way, you’ll notice the classic technique mentioned above—the all-important, infamous “meal” technique (which, by the way, works like a charm). If you want to find out more about the real person, get them to dine with you. The candidate will disappear, and a real person will emerge.   

  5. Look for internal hidden assets. 
    I often find that in corporations and organizations, there is hidden talent just waiting to be discovered. I was once a vice president of training and development for a large company. I received a resume from an internal candidate who wanted to fill the position of trainer. I called the human resources department and asked them why they sent me her resume. They explained that even though this candidate worked in the accounts payable department, she had indeed developed and designed a significant amount of training on her own to train accounts payable people around the country. “Besides,” the HR person said, “you have to interview her—she has passion!” Of course, we interviewed her, and after several interviews and a live training audition, she was hired as a trainer. So we discovered a talented trainer who was buried in another department in the organization who was truly a hidden asset.  

  6. Hire for diversity. 
    Great leaders hiring people are always are looking for diversity. Yes, I know it’s the right thing to do, and it adds greatly to the company’s PR reputation. The fact that leaders are sensitive to and addressing diversity issues in terms of hiring has great value. But I think there’s a more important reason—the real reason—why you should hire for diversity. You should hire for diversity in order to get people who think differently. My definition of hiring for diversity means that you get people on your team who are completely different than you. You get diversity in race, creed, color, ability, religion, geography, lifestyle, age, culture, etc. The advantage of having this kind of diversity on your team is that each person brings a unique perspective to both the projects and the work. That way, you get a much broader range of opinions. So, hire people who are completely different than you—in fact, the opposite of your own image. Hire people radically different than you.  

Those are the key strategies for interviewing. Print this out and tape it to your desk. It will pay off when you are looking for your next “superstar.” 

For more business and personal development insight from Shawn Doyle, check out his titles from Sound Wisdom, including his Jumpstart SeriesThe Sun Still RisesThe Leadership Manifesto, and Two Months to Motivation

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Eileen Rockwell Eileen Rockwell

4 Ways to Grow Your Consulting Business by Jennifer Janechek

The consulting industry has seen considerable growth in the past decade. According to this article in The Wall Street Journal, “U.S. companies increased spending on consulting by 7.1% in 2016,” with the amount of money paid to consultants reaching $58.7 billion.  

The consulting industry has seen considerable growth in the past decade. According to this article in The Wall Street Journal, “U.S. companies increased spending on consulting by 7.1% in 2016,” with the amount of money paid to consultants reaching $58.7 billion.  

With sufficient expertise in a given area, you can easily start a consulting business of your own. If you have mastered a skill such as business management, digital marketing, or fundraising, you can build a multimillion-dollar business around this knowledge. But because there are so many consulting practices out there, you’ll likely have to do some work to grow your company. To do so, consider the following approaches:  

1. Network both locally and nationally—and even globally. 

Not only should you attend the relevant professional conferences and connect with others in your field, discussing how you can support each other’s businesses; you should also network locally, within your community. Contact small businesses in your area to see what services they might be needing—if you can’t help them in their area of need, perhaps you can connect them with someone who can. You could also join a mastermind group that meets virtually and network with other consultants and entrepreneurs around the world. For more on the value of mastermind groups, read Napoleon Hill’s 1937 classic, Think and Grow Rich

2. Provide referral discounts and rewards. 

Give your clients business cards with a first-time client discount code to share with their contacts. Once a contact solicits your consulting services, provide the client who referred him or her with a credit or discount for future services. This is an incredibly easy way to turn happy customers into loyal clients and to reach a larger audience. 

3. Get tips from professionals. 

It’s always helpful to refine your methods and expand your knowledge base by receiving help from experts in your area. One way to do this is to take an online course, such as Sound Wisdom Learning Academy’s WOW! Business Advisory Course. Created for small business owners, entrepreneurs, managers, and business consultants, this course educates users in the Five P System of Professional Management—a methodology for streamlining business practices to promote business growth, increase cash flow, ensure happier and more committed employees, and give managers and owners more freedom to spend time on things that matter to them. Licensed by Sandler Training, the world’s largest management and sales training company, the online course contains workbooks, slides, and other materials generated specifically for business management consultants to use with their clients. Check out the WOW! Business Advisory today and see how it might revolutionize the work you do with your clients and help you build a larger client base.  

Another way to receive professional advice is by hiring a coach. Coaches provide invaluable one-on-one support that can help you grow your business by identifying your company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats and by connecting you with the resources you need to succeed. According to author, coach, and certified professional speaker Shawn Doyle, CSP (, “If you want to get from where you are to where you want to be, then hire a coach who has already been there. The huge advantage of hiring a coach is getting tools tips and techniques to accelerate your progress and growth. If all world-class athletes have coaches, then you should have a coach if you want to be a world-class business person.”  

4. Get published. 

Another way to boost your company’s exposure is by publishing material on your area of expertise. These publications might take the form of articles in business magazines and trade publications or even a book. Sharing your knowledge and experience in this way will increase the visibility of your company and greatly enhance your credibility. Interested in submitting a manuscript to Sound Wisdom? Learn more here

There are many other approaches to growing your consulting business, but these four tactics are a great start to expanding your client base, building your company’s reputation, and enhancing your support system. There are myriad opportunities out there for consultants—make sure that you are taking advantage of all the ones available to you! 

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Eileen Rockwell Eileen Rockwell

The Art of Optimism by Jim Stovall

Recently, I once again got to experience the excitement of having a new book of mine released. My new book is entitled The Art of Optimism and may be the most powerful among all of my more than 40 previous titles.  

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Recently, I once again got to experience the excitement of having a new book of mine released. My new book is entitled The Art of Optimism and may be the most powerful among all of my more than 40 previous titles.  

I was always aware of the fact that there were optimists and pessimists, but I began learning about the incredible difference that being an optimist can make from my late, great friend and mentor Zig Ziglar. Zig was fond of saying, “I’m an optimist. I would go after Moby Dick in a rowboat and take the tartar sauce with me.”  

I remember being backstage at an event where we were both speaking. It seemed like everything was going wrong with the lights, the sound, and everything else surrounding that particular arena event. Zig was greeting everyone backstage as he always did. “It’s a great day to be alive.” One of the stage hands said sarcastically, “Well, you’re in a good mood today, aren’t you?” Zig abruptly turned, stared at the young man, and proclaimed, “Yes, sir. Many years ago, I decided to be in a good mood today.” 

Zig’s statement made me start thinking that we’re not born an optimist or a pessimist, but we can choose how we want to live. Recent scientific research has borne this out, and it is the basis for my new title, The Art of Optimism. There are many great reasons to be an optimist. Here are just five of them:   

  • Optimists are more creative. We always find what we’re looking for, and if you believe in greatness, excellence, and beauty, you will find it all around you. 

  • Optimism helps you emotionally. Although the science shows that optimists have to continually support their positive attitude, pessimism tends to stick with people long term. 

  • Optimism helps you professionally. People want to hire, promote, and work with optimists. The research shows that optimists are more readily hired, promoted, and given bonuses. 

  • Optimism builds your relationships. Subconsciously, friends and family members want to be around optimists and avoid pessimists. We judge relationships based on how we feel when we’re around the other person, and optimists make us feel better. 

  • Optimism keeps you healthy. The science shows that pessimists are sick more often and suffer longer with illness. Optimists are sick less often and recover faster. The research actually showed that being a pessimist has as much of a negative impact on your health as smoking cigarettes. 

One of the most important things you can do in your life is to be an optimist and share your optimism with everyone around you. 

As you go through your day today, enjoy the art of optimism. 

Today’s the day! 

Jim Stovall is the president of Narrative Television Network as well as a published author of many books, including The Ultimate Gift. He is also a columnist and motivational speaker. His latest book, The Art of Optimism, explains how adopting an attitude of optimism can change your life.   

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Eileen Rockwell Eileen Rockwell

Brand Reputation Is Your Brilliant Edge by Simon T. Bailey

In this era, a brand is more than the product or services that are provided to your customers. A brand is an emotional connection, perception, and memory of your company. Every interaction that a customer, prospective customer, or supplier has with an employee, product, or service reinforces trust in your reputation. As a business leader, everything that you and your staff do is a touchpoint that leaves an imprint on the heads, hearts, and hands of your customers. 

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In this era, a brand is more than the product or services that are provided to your customers. A brand is an emotional connection, perception, and memory of your company. Every interaction that a customer, prospective customer, or supplier has with an employee, product, or service reinforces trust in your reputation. As a business leader, everything that you and your staff do is a touchpoint that leaves an imprint on the heads, hearts, and hands of your customers. 

Are there opportunities to sharpen your approach and fiercely protect your brand reputation? According to The Conference Board, after surveying over 1,000 CEOs, one of the top five challenges they face is brand reputation. They’re scrambling to establish trust, differentiate their brand, position their brand in the marketplace, and engage multiple audiences. 

Your company, product, or service is up against these same challenges. 

Here are a few tips to consider on this road to creating an edge through your brand reputation: 

  1. Be a strategic storyteller. 
    Recently, Microsoft transferred Steve Clayton from the office in Liverpool to Redmond, WA, and gave him the title “Chief Storyteller.” His sole responsibility is to capture internal stories about how Microsoft is changing the world. These stories are published via an interactive online experience. One of the feature stories that went viral is about the 88 acres Microsoft used to create the city of the future. They are not leaving their brand to chance or to what outsiders have to say; they are recapturing the narrative and shaping internal thinking, which will have a direct impact on how an external audience perceives Microsoft. 

  2. Create your own CNN (Constant Nice News). 
    Livestream your content from any of your annual meetings or conferences. You can create ongoing webinars and capture content that can be chunked down to three- to five-minute snippets of your company’s or brand’s thought leaders (and if you’re an entrepreneur, this could just be you!), groundbreaking research, and/or political updates that impact your members. It’s accessible every day, every way—mobile, tablet, laptop, etc.—and everywhere people want to view. You can then explore content monetization with the repository of invaluable information that shapes the reputation of your brand. 

  3. Establish a social media Navy SEAL team. 
    This is a carefully selected group of savvy members in your company who know how to effectively use key social media channels. Any time a crisis or news-jacking opportunity arises, they are ready to work behind the scenes with the main purpose of generating positive content that shapes the narrative of how the organization wants its brand reputation to be perceived by the general public and, most importantly, its members. They can be your Always On-Brand Editorial Team. 

I believe that these efforts will enable your company, product, or service to protect its brand reputation and give it the edge needed to stay relevant. 

The original post appeared here on Simon T. Bailey’s website and has been slightly modified for republication. For more inspiration from the author, pick up a copy of his books Shift Your Brilliance: Harnessing the Power of You, Inc. and Brilliant Living: 31 Insights to Creating an Awesome Life 

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Eileen Rockwell Eileen Rockwell

“Soft Skills” Are Crucial for Success in Business and STEM Jobs by Jennifer Janechek

Not too long ago, The Washington Post published a report on the findings of a study Google conducted in 2013 on the most valuable traits in its top employees. Called Project Oxygen, this study examined all of Google’s hiring, firing, and promotion data since 1998. The result? Not what you might expect—and not what Google, founded on the idea that “only technologists can understand technology,” expected either: in terms of the eight most important qualities that determined the success of its employees, STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) expertise was not first, second, or even third in importance—it was dead last. The top seven determinants of success were all what are traditionally called “soft skills”—communication and other people skills that require social and emotional intelligence.

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Not too long ago, The Washington Post published a report on the findings of a study Google conducted in 2013 on the most valuable traits in its top employees. Called Project Oxygen, this study examined all of Google’s hiring, firing, and promotion data since 1998. The result? Not what you might expect—and not what Google, founded on the idea that “only technologists can understand technology,” expected either: in terms of the eight most important qualities that determined the success of its employees, STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) expertise was not first, second, or even third in importance—it was dead last. The top seven determinants of success were all what are traditionally called “soft skills”—communication and other people skills that require social and emotional intelligence. Here are the seven most important characteristics of the successful Google employee, according to Project Oxygen: 

  • being a good coach; 

  • avoiding micromanagement and instead empowering the team to find solutions; 

  • expressing interest in the success and personal well-being of one’s colleagues; 

  • being productive and results oriented; 

  • possessing effective communication skills—especially the ability to listen attentively; 

  • desiring to help employees grow and develop within the organization; 

  • and having a clear vision and strategy for one’s team. 

These qualities are crucial to success not only in STEM fields, but also in the corporate world. And yet despite their necessity for STEM and business jobs, these traits typically are cultivated by a liberal arts education, especially by humanities and communications-oriented disciplines. But even if you haven’t received a liberal arts degree or majored in, say, English, you can augment your social and emotional intelligence by reading personal development and business improvement books that provide lessons in the development of soft skills. 

David E. Nielson’s The 9 Dimensions of Conscious Success, for instance, teaches that conscious success is built on three pillars: purpose, self-awareness, and social awareness. Nielson explains that on top of these foundational qualities, six key differentiators increase your chances of success and fulfillment. These are authenticity, work ethic and personal responsibility, listening for results and connections, articulation for impact, humor, and gratitude. As is evident from this list, conscious success is not built on technological know-how; rather, it depends on character and interpersonal skills—those “soft skills” that distinguished the top Google employees from the less successful ones. 

Another recent work that provides instruction in interpersonal communication is Jim Stovall and Ray H. Hull’s The Art of Communication. An installment in Sound Wisdom’s “Your Competitive Edge” series, this work gives concrete advice on the following topics: how to consider your audience and adjust your communication style accordingly, what your non-verbal communication says about you, dressing for maximum success, active listening, conflict resolution, communication in meetings, and more. With clear instruction that’s accompanied by engaging narratives, The Art of Communication demystifies public speaking and interpersonal communication in an enjoyable and understandable manner. 

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As the experts at Google discovered, regardless of how tech savvy an employee is, if he or she lacks communication and other “people skills,” that employee is less likely to be successful within the organization. Luckily, works like Nielson’s and Stovall and Hull’s can help individuals develop these soft skills. Spending time educating yourself about self-presentation and interpersonal communication can make all the difference in setting yourself apart from your competition and developing relationships that will lead to your success in business and in life. Pick up one of these books today from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-a-Million, and other fine retailers! 

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Eileen Rockwell Eileen Rockwell

Five Ways to Free Up More of Your Time as a Small Business Owner by Jennifer Janechek

Far too often, small business owners find themselves in a position where they are spending more time working in their business than on it. They aren’t able to expand or develop their organization because they are losing too much time to the day-to-day tasks that should be delegated to other employees. They miss important family experiences because they have not automated their business operations. They feel like they are chained to their organization, unable to enjoy the freedom that should come along with owning your own business. 

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Far too often, small business owners find themselves in a position where they are spending more time working in their business than on it. They aren’t able to expand or develop their organization because they are losing too much time to the day-to-day tasks that should be delegated to other employees. They miss important family experiences because they have not automated their business operations. They feel like they are chained to their organization, unable to enjoy the freedom that should come along with owning your own business. 

What if there were a better way? 

There is—but it requires you to systematize the functioning of your organization. Below are five ways to streamline your business practices so that you are able to enjoy more free time as a small business owner.

1. Scrutinize your personal and organizational mission.

Everyone who starts or takes over a business has a vision for the future of his or her company. But oftentimes this idea is abstract in nature and never gets ironed out. Or, the owner’s goal shifts over time, and the language of the organizational mission is never revised to reflect this change. Without both a clear personal mission and a concrete organizational mission, it’s easy to get wrapped up in the mundane details of daily tasks and not make the larger moves necessary to improve your company’s efficiency and profitability. Take the time to spell out—in as detailed terms as possible—your personal goals as a business owner and the vision, mission, values, and beliefs of your organization.

2. Regularly analyze your current operations in the context of your business environment.

It’s common business practice to conduct SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunities, threats) analyses to monitor the performance of your company, though perhaps businesses conduct these less frequently than they should. And yet it’s easy to situate these analyses in the climate in which you started your business rather than the current business climate. Take the time to research the current environmental factors affecting your business so that your SWOT analyses give you accurate data about your company’s performance.

3. Establish make-or-break priorities and develop concrete plans for their implementation.

Make a list of the key issues affecting your business and then prioritize them. For the make-or-break priorities—those action items whose implementation or lack thereof will significantly impact your company’s operation—establish detailed plans for their realization and develop quantitative metrics for assessing the efficacy of these plans.

4. Dedicate time to hiring and developing the right employees.

The right employee in the right position can make all the difference in how a company (especially a small business) functions. To attract and retain the best talent, first outline the needs of your organization and then create positions based on these needs. Next, write detailed job descriptions (which should be periodically updated), determine the skill sets required, and then hire employees based on this data. Finally, structure plans for incentive compensation and employee development. Attention to individual development plans is especially important, as good employees will leave your organization if their talents are not encouraged and their growth not promoted. 

5. Create an outside board of advisors.

It can be difficult for the small business owner to identify his or her company’s needs and areas requiring attention. That’s why it’s important to have objective feedback, which is best provided by an outside board of advisors. Engaging a team of external advisors will help keep one’s company operating at optimum levels.

By implementing these changes, small business owners will make significant headway in systematizing their companies, with the end result being that they will free up more of their time to enjoy the fruits of their labor—within and outside of their organization.

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For detailed advice about how best to approach these tasks, enroll in the WOW! Business Advisory e-learning course through Sound Wisdom Learning Academy. This online course will help you take your business to WOW! success by providing detailed instruction in the Five P System of Professional Management. Interested in the course but want to learn more before buying? Click here to claim your free e-book of Five P’s to a WOW! Business, which can be used on its own or in conjunction with the e-learning course.

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Eileen Rockwell Eileen Rockwell

When Did You Stop Learning? by Shawn Doyle

Today I am going to address a topic that very few people are talking about right now. I have a unique perspective because I do about 100 training programs a year. Here is what I am seeing. In class, I will ask, “Who has read The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People?” Out of a group of thirty people, one hand will go up. I am not asking about an obscure book but one that has been on the business bestseller list for thirty years. The rest of the class has never heard of it.

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Today I am going to address a topic that very few people are talking about right now. I have a unique perspective because I do about 100 training programs a year. Here is what I am seeing. In class, I will ask, “Who has read The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People?” Out of a group of thirty people, one hand will go up. I am not asking about an obscure book but one that has been on the business bestseller list for thirty years. The rest of the class has never heard of it.

According to a study by the Pew Research Center, 68 percent of men read at least one book last year. Okay, that is the good news, but here is the bad news: that means that 32 percent didn’t read one at all in a whole year (52 weeks—365 days). 

When I talk to people, they tell me they don’t read (learn) for the following reasons:

  • “I have never been much of a reader.”
  • “Between work and home I am just too busy.”
  • “I read on my device all day at work. The last thing I want to do is read when I get home.” 

There is a whole range of other reasons people give me—way too many to mention. Here is the reality: instead of reading, they are watching TV or surfing the Internet. Is that you? Look, I am not criticizing; I am just passionate about everyone learning all the time.  

I want to help you, and my goal is to convince you why you need to keep learning and then give you some quick tips you can use today.

The following are reasons why you have to learn now:

  • There are people in your organization who are reading and studying, and you are not.
  • They are going to take your job if you don’t keep up.
  • Knowledge is a huge competitive advantage.
  • You will be much more likely to get promoted.
  • You will be much more motivated and creative when you are exposing yourself to new ideas.
  • You will be smarter and more thoughtful. 

One note: If you have never enjoyed reading, that is okay—I am not judging you. Then just listen to audiobooks or watch videos on the same topics online. 

I am asking you to make a commitment to learning now. I am also asking you to commit to reading nonfiction most of the time. You learn so much more from nonfiction than you do from fiction. 

Here are some techniques for finding time to read/learn:

  • Cut back on TV. The average American watches 2.8 hours of television a day. So, one simple step is to cut back on TV to one hour, buying yourself reading time. Besides, reading new books is so much more interesting than watching a rerun of a stale show you have already seen. 
  • Get up thirty minutes earlier in the morning to read and study. I have noticed an enormous percentage of highly successful people do that every day. Author Hal Elrod calls this “the morning miracle.”
  • Read during your lunch break at work. I know you probably get lunch and take it back to your desk. Don’t! Find a quiet place and read at lunch.
  • Planes and trains—whenever you are on a plane or a train, pack something to read. Maximize your travel time.
  • Learn in your car. If you have to commute by car, listen to audiobooks.
  • Training programs—if your company has a training department, see what programs you can sign up for this year.  

The reality is that every year you need to be a different, better, improved version of you. So, let the new you start today. You can do this!

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For more business and personal development insight from Shawn Doyle, check out his titles from Sound Wisdom, including his Jumpstart Series, The Sun Still Rises, The Leadership Manifesto, and Two Months to Motivation.

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Eileen Rockwell Eileen Rockwell

The Money Rules by Jim Stovall

There’s probably nothing more misunderstood in our society than the acquisition and use of money. Nothing can take the place of money in the things that money does, but outside of the small scope where money is useful, it has little or no value. When it comes to your health, family relationships, or personal well-being, money is of little importance.

There’s probably nothing more misunderstood in our society than the acquisition and use of money. Nothing can take the place of money in the things that money does, but outside of the small scope where money is useful, it has little or no value. When it comes to your health, family relationships, or personal well-being, money is of little importance.

It is fascinating to me that we can go through twelve years of public education, and many of us acquire university degrees, but we have received little or no training in how to deal with the commodity that is our universal means of exchange. There are probably more books and seminars on the subject of money, but still the mystery persists. 

There are only four things you can do with your money: acquire stuff, buy security, create memories, and make the world a better place. There is no right or wrong place to put your money as it relates to these four areas. As in most life decisions, balance is the key.

Acquiring “stuff” has become our national pastime and obsession. Most people spend more time working than necessary so they can acquire stuff that they don’t have time to use because they spend so much time working to get it. Security is an admirable pursuit. But if you’re not careful, you will fall into the group of people who spend their whole lives preparing for a rainy day, and it never so much as sprinkles. Creating memories is an important activity. Those memories can never be taken from you, but if all you do is pursue memories, you will spend your entire life looking in the rear-view mirror. It’s nice to look back there every once in a while, but if you drive through life very long looking in the rear-view mirror, you are bound to get a rude awakening. 

And, finally, money—like any other tool—can be used for good or for bad, but it can, indeed, help to make the world a better place when it is put in the hands of the right people. We must be cautious here as well, because among those sincere souls who seek your money for admirable pursuits, there are many who—under the guise of good works—are prepared to rip you off.

Make up your mind to spend your money wisely, because at the end of the day, what you buy with your money better be worth it to you, because you invested one day of your life to get it.

Today’s the day!

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This and other motivational pieces by bestselling author Jim Stovall can be found in Wisdom for Winners Volume Two, an official publication of the Napoleon Hill Foundation.

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Eileen Rockwell Eileen Rockwell

6 Excuses That Limit Your Success by Adrean Turner

For most individuals, it’s much easier to think of ways something can’t be done versus how it can be done. Many of us have a series of excuses that we can pull out of a hat at a moment’s notice. We make excuses mostly to protect ourselves and to justify our current circumstances. But these limiting beliefs limit our chances for success. Consider these excuses and commit to the solutions:

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You’ve decided that 2018 is your year of acceleration in your life! You are determined that this time will be different. You won’t quit. You won’t get distracted. You’re going to stick with your plan for a new start. Maybe you even declared it a New Year’s resolution. Sadly, the odds aren’t in your favor. The fact is only a tiny fraction of people keep their resolutions. University of Scranton research suggests that just 8 percent of people achieve their New Year’s goals. What’s the common denominator? EXCUSES. 

For most individuals, it’s much easier to think of ways something can’t be done versus how it can be done. Many of us have a series of excuses that we can pull out of a hat at a moment’s notice. We make excuses mostly to protect ourselves and to justify our current circumstances. But these limiting beliefs limit our chances for success. Consider these excuses and commit to the solutions:

1. “I DON’T KNOW HOW.” This common excuse gives you permission to not even try.

  • SOLUTION: Get support. At no time in the history of mankind has there been so much information and so many resources available. Want to start a charity? There are hundreds of books on the subject. Need to lose 100 pounds? There are thousands of CDs, videos, and blogs to support you. Want to change careers? Consult a coach or mentor. Or simply try and then adjust your approach based on your results.

2. “I’M AFRAID.” Who hasn’t been afraid to try something new, to step out of the box, to move beyond their comfort zone? Most of our fears are socially based and have no real consequences.

  • SOLUTION: Ask yourself what’s the worst thing that can happen. Once you have determined the worst case scenarios you’ll realize that the fear is a disguise to kill your dreams and stifle your growth. Then list the best things that can happen. You’ll recognize that your success is more important than the fears that are holding you back.

Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and FOCUS on what could go right!

3. “I DON’T HAVE ENOUGH TIME.” If your heart is in it then you will make the time for what’s truly important to you.

  • SOLUTION: Create a list of the things you do on a daily basis from the moment you wake up until the end of the day. Record your activities in fifteen-minute blocks. Include everything from talking on the phone, to surfing the Internet, to watching television. After doing this for one week, most people are able to find at least three hours to dedicate to a new activity or adventure.

4. “I DON’T HAVE ENOUGH MONEY.” There is usually a way to work around a lack of financial resources.

  • SOLUTION: Find alternatives. For example, if you’re looking to increase your skills but can’t afford college tuition, there are other ways to enhance your credentials. For instance, volunteer at a non-profit organization, get certification in a particular skill, or intern for a small company on your days off. If you are business owner, consider bartering (trading your services or products). There is always a way. You just may have to work a little harder to find solutions to support your growth.

5. “IT’S TOO LATE FOR ME.” It’s never too late to become what you might have been. A person climbed Mount Everest in his eighties. People have gone back to medical school in their sixties. Getting a late start might be less convenient and more challenging, but there’s nothing wrong with that.

  • SOLUTION: Figure out what interests you, influences you, and motivates you. Build a plan for the challenges that are really important to you and take one step at a time to complete your goals.

6. “IT’S TOO HARD.” Some endeavors are certainly more difficult than others. But claiming that something is “too hard” is really just another way of admitting that you’re afraid. People with limited resources and talent can still be extremely successful.

  • SOLUTION: Set your mind on success! Those with motivation and stamina are really the ones who succeed. Get an accountability partner. Read encouraging stories. Practice affirmations. Do what’s necessary to keep your thoughts and energy centered on a successful outcome.

The way you eat an elephant is one bite at a time.

Your success is dependent on effort. No action, no results. Break your tasks into small assignments and keep going until you’ve achieved your goal. It’s time to make some changes. Transformation isn’t always easy, but it is necessary for your success. Remind yourself of the reasons why you started in the first place. And have the courage to put aside your excuses and go after what you truly want. You’ll be glad you did!

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Get more information and inspiration in Adrean’s book, F.I.T. for Success: Fearless, Inspired, Transformed for Success, or visit

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Eileen Rockwell Eileen Rockwell

Eight Tips on Giving Presentations Like a Pro by Shawn Doyle

I am a professional speaker, and I get many chances as I travel around the country to see other people give presentations. When I see professional speakers give presentations, they’re always very well done and professional. Of course these presentations should be great because they are delivered by professional speakers. Sadly, in most cases, I see exactly the opposite with others—terrible presentations that are boring, dull, dry, and go on way too long. You know what I’m talking about because you have seen it. 

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I am a professional speaker, and I get many chances as I travel around the country to see other people give presentations. When I see professional speakers give presentations, they’re always very well done and professional. Of course these presentations should be great because they are delivered by professional speakers. Sadly, in most cases, I see exactly the opposite with others—terrible presentations that are boring, dull, dry, and go on way too long. You know what I’m talking about because you have seen it. 

I believe that in order to be a successful leader and a successful entrepreneur, you have to become skilled at giving presentations like a pro. Here are eight tips on how to give presentations like a pro. 

  1. Pros properly prepare. You’re probably thinking that preparation means having your presentation deck in order and having your handouts organized, but that is not what I mean at all. What I mean by proper preparation is doing a careful audience analysis to know to whom it is you’re speaking and what they are expecting or needing from the presentation. Take time to talk to the person who has asked you to give a presentation to do a full and complete audience analysis to determine who will be in the room. Obviously, the presentation for a room full of CEOs will be different than a presentation for a group of front-line workers. 

  2. Start with a bang, not a whimper. I have seen many presenters who start out their presentation by giving their name and the title of the program and then say, “Let’s get started.” I promise you if you start out the presentation with a boring beginning, you will lose the audience before you even get started. We live in an era of high entertainment, and when we sit people in a room to watch a presentation we need to start our presentation with a bang. You can start with a compelling quote, you can start with a great story, you can start with a stunning statistic, or you can ask the audience a very provocative question. The key is to get their attention. Then you can introduce yourself and your topic. Use these tools to close out your presentation with a bang as well because people do remember the beginning and the end of everything. 

  3. The space is part of the presentation. In many instances, I have seen the space become a barrier to the presentation’s effectiveness. Either the room is too crowded or was set up the wrong way, or the speaker was tied to the podium because that was the only place a microphone was available. Make sure to check out in advance the space in which you’re going to be presenting to see what limitations and possibilities it offers. Additionally, arrive early the day of your presentation so that you can solve any room or space problems that exist before your presentation starts. 

  4. Please get rid of the PowerPoint slides. It seems to me that everyone giving presentations these days is in love with PowerPoint. To me, there are several issues with PowerPoint—the main one being that PowerPoint quickly becomes an anesthetic because people are staring at a screen, and often people will dim the lights so the PowerPoint can be seen more clearly (an invitation for everyone to take a nap). I personally believe you’d be much better off with a couple-page handout than you would hypnotizing people with PowerPoint. I also think most people, when they give presentations, have way too many slides. This is, in my opinion, just a disaster. Lastly, most people seem to believe that their PowerPoint is their presentation, when the reality is the PowerPoint is supposed to be a supplement to illustrate key points of the presentation. Most people do not use PowerPoint in this way; they actually use it as a script for the presentation, and they read from the screen. This makes people want to run screaming from the room. 

  5. Make it a conversation, not a presentation. When you’re designing a presentation, you should have a couple of moments designated for interacting with the audience. This makes the presentation much more useful and interesting for the audience, and they have a chance to provide feedback and ask questions and actually talk to you like a human being instead of a presentation robot. 

  6. Use stories. Great presenters tell stories that captivate the attention of the audience. But here’s something I don’t want you to miss: the stories are not just stories to tell for the sake of it; they illustrate the key points that the speaker is discussing. This makes the presentation much more memorable. 

  7. Get some coaching. Every professional speaker with whom I’ve ever spoken has told me that they used a professional coach at some point to help them with their presentation skills. Join Toastmasters to learn better presentation skills, determine if your company offers training for presentation skills, attend a presentation skills class somewhere in your community, or use a private coach to help you polish your skills. I guarantee you if you do that you’ll get it amazingly better results just by having someone give you feedback in an objective way on what you do well and what you need to improve. 

  8. Evaluate. Each time you give a presentation, ask a trusted colleague to observe your presentation and give you feedback or, if that is not possible, at least sit down after every presentation and review what you believe went well and what could be improved. This will ensure that you continue to improve, and you will be one step closer to being a presentation pro! 

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For more business and personal development insight from Shawn Doyle, check out his titles from Sound Wisdom, including his Jumpstart SeriesThe Sun Still RisesThe Leadership Manifesto, and Two Months to Motivation

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Eileen Rockwell Eileen Rockwell

The Art of Presentation by Jim Stovall

Every great professional understands the difference between information and presentation. We all live in the information age and regularly deal with the advantages and the challenges that it offers us. If you only want to deliver information, a memo, e-mail, or even a text may suffice, but if you want to deliver emotion, attitudes, and impact, you need to employ the art of presentation.  

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Every great professional understands the difference between information and presentation. We all live in the information age and regularly deal with the advantages and the challenges that it offers us. If you only want to deliver information, a memo, e-mail, or even a text may suffice, but if you want to deliver emotion, attitudes, and impact, you need to employ the art of presentation.  

I am very proud, along with my esteemed coauthor Dr. Raymond Hull, of our book The Art of Presentation. As a professional speaker for more than a quarter of a century, I’ve come to realize that corporations and associations regularly pay me a considerable amount of money to deliver a small fraction of the material that is contained in just one of my 30-plus books. Obviously, they want more than mere facts or simple information. They want impact, emotion, and a memorable catalyst for change.  

If we were to take William Shakespeare’s masterpiece, Romeo and Juliet, and reduce it to information, it might look something like “boy meets girl, their families disagree, tragedy ensues.” The difference between this terse phrase and Mr. Shakespeare’s enduring work of art is the difference between information and presentation.  

I’ve had the privilege of having six of my books turned into major motion pictures with several others in production at this writing. The difference between simple words on a page and emotion impactfully exploding on the silver screen illustrates the contrast between information and presentation; however, great writers—like great professionals—can turn their information into an unforgettable presentation. 

Simple phrases such as “Go ahead, make my day,” “Toto, I have a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore,” “Here’s lookin’ at you, kid,” or “May the Force be with you,” are not just communicating information. They are indelibly etched into the fabric of our society. One powerfully presented idea or concept can be a transformational experience in a person’s career or their life.  

As a young man, my only ambition in life was to be an All-American football player and then make my living playing in the NFL. The coaches and scouts who evaluate players assured me that I had the size, speed, and talent to make my dreams a reality. Then, one year during a routine physical in preparation to play another season of football, I was diagnosed with the condition that would cause me to lose my sight. My dreams were shattered, and I did, indeed, completely lose my sight by age 29.  

Many things contributed to my rehabilitation and the life I know today, but if I were to pick one transformational, fork-in-the-road turning point, it would have been listening to an audiotape of the bestselling author Dr. Denis Waitley. I wasn’t worried about making a living or living a normal life; I was simply wondering if I could ever get out of my little 9- by 12-foot room and walk the 50 feet to my mailbox. I sat for many days simply contemplating the overwhelming prospect of traversing those 50 feet down my driveway to the mailbox at the curb. As a totally blind person with no skills, it seemed impossible, but on that tape, Dr. Waitley offered more than information. He delivered a powerful presentation of the phrase “If you think you can, you can.” 

This may seem overly simplistic as all great truths do, but when powerful ideas come to life in transformational presentations, they change people who can, in turn, change the world. If we are to create these powerful presentations, we must, as my late, great friend and colleague Stephen Covey told us, “Begin with the end in mind.” 

If you know the emotion, attitudes, or change you want to come from any presentation, you can make it a reality.  

Today’s the day! 

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This and other motivational pieces by bestselling author Jim Stovall can be found in his latest collection of columns, Wisdom for Winners Volume Four, an official publication of the Napoleon Hill Foundation. Be sure to check out Jim Stovall and Raymond Hull’s The Art of Presentation, a must-read for anyone wanting to cultivate their public speaking abilities. 

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Eileen Rockwell Eileen Rockwell

Tips for Organizing Your Freelance Projects by Jennifer Janechek

Successful freelancers often juggle multiple clients and projects simultaneously. Without an effective organizational system, freelancers risk falling behind on work, missing deadlines, and working at less-than-desirable times to compensate for poor planning. Below are some tips inspired by chapter 6 of Rachael Doyle’s Organize Your Business—Organize Your Life (2017) to help you better manage your freelance projects. 

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Successful freelancers often juggle multiple clients and projects simultaneously. Without an effective organizational system, freelancers risk falling behind on work, missing deadlines, and working at less-than-desirable times to compensate for poor planning. Below are some tips inspired by chapter 6 of Rachael Doyle’s Organize Your Business—Organize Your Life (2017) to help you better manage your freelance projects. 

1. Project plan for maximum effectiveness. 

Answer the following questions: 

  • What are the objectives and goals of this project? 

  • What is the deadline? 

  • What is the priority level? Should this take precedence over other projects I currently have, either because of the client, the due date, or the client’s explicit directions? 

  • Do I have a budget (or an expected maximum numbers of hours the project should take, as specified on a purchase order)? 

  • What are the components of the project? Write a list of steps that must be executed to complete the project. Consider using a free project management software like Trello or some sort of visualization tool like a flowchart, a mind map, a Gantt chart, etc. 

2. Schedule work time in blocks. 

Ask yourself: “How many hours do I need to work each day to complete this project on time?” Then schedule your work time in blocks on your calendar. Consider using an hourly agenda, an electronic calendar, or a whiteboard with Post-it notes that are color coded for each client or project. That way, you’ll make sure to dedicate enough time to each project every day so that you complete your projects on or before their deadlines. 

Make sure to check in with yourself about the status of each active project at the beginning of every work day. 

3. Determine how you will store all the information about your project. 

Will you create a project folder on your computer’s desktop so that all associated files can be easily accessed? Or will you have a folder for each client on your desktop and then individual project files within those larger folders? Alternatively, do you want to avoid clutter on your desktop and place project folders in your “Documents” section? 

4. Use a time-tracking software. 

Toggl is one great (and free) option. You can assign projects to specific clients, use a stopwatch to track your exact work time on each project, and then produce a report that charts the amount of time you dedicated to that particular assignment. This is particularly helpful if you are switching between tasks throughout the day and want to make sure you’re noting the time spent on each. 

5. Organize your finances. 

Give your invoices file names that enable them to be easily located and that cause them to be arranged in a logical order (e.g., by client name and date submitted) on your computer’s hard drive. Consider also printing your invoices and storing them in a physical filing system organized by client for quick reference. You might also create a spreadsheet with individual pages for each client that documents the dates of invoices, project title (if limited to a specific project), amount billed, date received, and amount received. This will greatly help when it comes time to estimate quarterly or yearly taxes. 

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For more helpful tips on project management and organizational strategies, pick up a copy of Rachael Doyle’s Organize Your Business—Organize Your Life, available at Amazon and other retailers worldwide. 

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Eileen Rockwell Eileen Rockwell

Side Hustle Is the New Normal by Simon T. Bailey

All employees need to reconfigure their mindset to see themselves as self-employed employees. Corporations love talent, but they are no longer committed to keeping employees on the payroll for the sake of the good of the company. They’re now looking at how they can shave costs or increase their margins to grow a healthy bottom line. If that something means hiring the best talent that is available at the best time, for whatever length of time, they will do it. 

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All employees need to reconfigure their mindset to see themselves as self-employed employees. Corporations love talent, but they are no longer committed to keeping employees on the payroll for the sake of the good of the company. They’re now looking at how they can shave costs or increase their margins to grow a healthy bottom line. If that something means hiring the best talent that is available at the best time, for whatever length of time, they will do it. 

Companies are looking at everything they spend to drive revenue, and labor is one of the No. 1 expenses. With that in mind, employees have to begin to say: “If I’m going to thrive long term, I need to have a side hustle.” 

So the question becomes, how does one identify a side hustle? 

  1. Ensure it does not conflict with the product or services being offered by your company. You should not be working for a company that directly takes away business from your existing 9-to-5 job. Number one, it’s not good business and is ethically questionable, and number two, if your company finds out about it, your full-time gig will be in danger. \

  2. Think of ways to leverage your talent outside of your full-time job so that you can invest time after work and enjoy it. If you work 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. but you have an interest in starting a restaurant or playing in a band or doing medical billing, can you carve out additional hours to pour yourself into the thing you love most? 

  3. Is there a temporary agency you can join that is looking for contract labor or freelancers? Some examples of what that looks like include LyftUberAirbnb, and Etsy

  4. There are websites specifically dedicated to helping you find a side hustle. If you’re not sure where to start, you can check out Side Hustle Nation or Fiverr to get some ideas about what you can do with your existing skills. 

Side hustles are a great way to put a toe in the water if you’re thinking about leaving your full-time gig to do something else. You can test the waters before you make the full leap and determine how much you need to invest and what the long-term ramifications are without having to quit your job completely. Let a side hustle be your laboratory where you beta test future opportunities. 

Note that pursuing a side hustle doesn’t always mean you have one foot out the door. Your side hustle can help you build skills and knowledge that inform your existing position. 

For example, a friend of mine works a 9-to-5 job, but she is not able to exercise her writing skill set in that position. For her side gig, she writes articles for an outside company. The research that she does in order to write the articles is relevant to her 9-to-5 job and increases her knowledge for her full-time role. 

As the world of work continues to evolve and change, side hustles will become more the norm. 

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The original post appeared here on Simon T. Bailey’s website and has been slightly modified for republication. For more inspiration from the author, pick up a copy of his books Shift Your Brilliance: Harnessing the Power of You, Inc. and Brilliant Living: 31 Insights to Creating an Awesome Life 

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Eileen Rockwell Eileen Rockwell

Get Into Position and Excel! By Adrean Turner

There are certain aspects of success that involve chance or luck. For instance, someone you know has a personal relationship with a hiring manager of a company that you want to join. They provide a referral, and you are able to bypass the cumbersome online application process and receive an immediate interview. That’s a benefit of chance. 

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There are certain aspects of success that involve chance or luck. For instance, someone you know has a personal relationship with a hiring manager of a company that you want to join. They provide a referral, and you are able to bypass the cumbersome online application process and receive an immediate interview. That’s a benefit of chance. 

But in many cases, success doesn’t just happen. It is dependent on you! You are responsible for setting the stage and positioning yourself for opportunities that can lead to goal achievement. 

Consider this situation. After being frustrated for months with her job, one of my group coaching clients packed up her entire family and moved to the West Coast for a new opportunity. Although it wasn’t her ideal position, she was confident that it provided an environment where she could fully contribute and excel. Just as luck would have it, three months later, her director resigned, creating an opportunity for a promotion. Because of the work ethic she demonstrated and the relationships she built in that short time period, she was offered the role. She made a choice to take a chance to achieve the change she desired in her career, and it paid off. She positioned herself to succeed. 

“Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.” ~Seneca

No matter what you are trying to accomplish or become successful with—a career transition, a promotion, more time with family, better relationships with others, or a healthier lifestyle—these tips can help. 

  1. Pursue Progress and Forget Perfection
    The goal is moving forward, not how fast you go or how well you do it. Small steps forward add up to a lot of mileage over time. As you succeed, you’ll learn and improve along the way. Get your footing and follow through on the tasks you’ve identified that will help you to excel. 

  2. Manage Your Time
    If your activities don’t align with your vision or mission, it’s time to make some changes. When you’re bored, how do you amuse yourself? What do you do when you procrastinate? How can you add more time to do the things that are helpful for achieving your objectives? Write them down so you can see the impact of your actions or lack of action. The sooner you’re able to stop yourself from indulging in time-wasting activities, the better the odds of success. 

  3. Schedule Time to Get Things Done
    Someday is not a day of the week. Eliminate non-essential tasks that are clogging your calendar. Be purposeful in allocating time to get things accomplished. Begin by starting small (if it’s necessary). Schedule 30 minutes a day for working toward accomplishing your goals. Focus on staying engaged, and record your progress daily to stay motivated. 

  4. Meet More People
    You often hear that it’s what you know or who you know that leads to success. Another contributing fact that matters is who knows you. Surveys reveal that personal referrals are the top means of how jobs are filled. One survey conducted in partnership with LinkedIn reveals that up to 85 percent of jobs could be filled that way. Networking helps you connect with mentors, customers, colleagues, and people of influence. Get the word out about who you are and what you are trying to accomplish. Use every opportunity to increase your exposure by sharing valuable information and insights that demonstrate your brand and that supports those who engage with you. 

  5. Build a Support System
    Reaching your goals will involve talent, persistence, patience, and other people. According to Nielsen’s Trust In Advertising report, 84 percent of consumers say they either completely or somewhat trust recommendations from family, colleagues, and friends about products and services—making these recommendations the highest-ranked source for trustworthiness. 

    In order to sell yourself or a product, create your own advisory board. Surround yourself with people who challenge you, inspire you, make you laugh, add value to your life, and who will vouch for you. The strongest method of success is when others do the work for you, whether that is through encouragement, information, or a recommendation. If you can get others to support you, the chances of your success are multiplied. 

Don’t sit around idling…waiting for success to knock on your door. Move forward and be your best self! Get into position and excel. It’s time! 

Get more information and inspiration in Adrean’s book, F.I.T. for Success: Fearless, Inspired, Transformed for Success, or visit To receive this e-book, click here and get it now. 

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Eileen Rockwell Eileen Rockwell

8 Ways to Live Again After Losing a Loved One by Shawn Doyle CSP

Almost every year, each of us has a friend or family member who loses a loved one. It is a sad fact of life that everyone is going to face it. According to the CDC, 2,596,993 people die in the United States each year. 

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Almost every year, each of us has a friend or family member who loses a loved one. It is a sad fact of life that everyone is going to face it. According to the CDC, 2,596,993 people die in the United States each year. 

So here is the compelling question: How do you heal after losing a loved one? I experienced this on a personal level when I became a widower at the age of 54, when my wife of 32 years died tragically. So I had to learn how to heal after losing my wife. Here are eight ways to heal after losing a loved one. 

  1. Remember the good times. Often when someone passes away, we tend to dwell on their death instead of celebrating their life. I highly recommend writing in a journal and listing all of the good times you had with the person that you lost. It’s a way of reminding yourself to be grateful for what you had, for as long as you had it, instead of just focusing on the loss alone. 

  2. Only be around positive people and situations. When you are grieving, the last thing you need to do is expose yourself to anything negative. Concentrate on spending your time with positive people, viewing only positive television and movies, and reading positive books and articles. Avoid anything negative.  

  3. Figure out what you don’t want to do. During my healing journey there were certain things I just decided I did not want to do. For example, the first Thanksgiving after my wife passed away I was invited to visit with family in another state to celebrate Thanksgiving. Quite honestly, I didn’t feel like doing it—so I didn’t. It’s okay to say there are certain things you don’t want to do and not allow other people to pressure you to do them. This helps you heal.  

  4. Think to yourself, “I’m going to be okay.” Most people who have had a loss do not think they’re going to be okay; they think that they will never be okay. I ended up writing a book about grief and loss called The Sun Still Rises. One reason I wrote that book was to help people realize that they can be hopeful and optimistic even after a loss. If you keep saying to yourself long enough, “I’m going to be okay,” eventually, guess what—you will be. It just takes time. 

  5. Think about how you want to reinvent your life. When I talk to people who are grieving, they find this to be an odd concept, but it actually really makes a lot of sense. Once you have lost a loved one, your life is changed forever, and it will never be the same because of their absence. But the other side of that equation is it is an opportunity to reinvent your life and make it whatever it is that you want it to be now.  

  6. Tap into your resources. There are many resources available to people who are grieving. You could join a support group. You could volunteer for various organizations and give back to others. You could surround yourself with supportive family and friends. There are so many online resources of articles and groups that are available at the touch of a button. There are also many great books about dealing with grief and loss that are available physically or as a download to your Kindle. 

  7. Know that the pain will get better in time. People who are grieving are in pain and will be in pain—that is the bad news. The good news is the pain will get better with time, and one day it will actually go away. The phrase “time heals all wounds” may be a cliché, but I have found it to be remarkably true. So, just knowing that the pain will get better is a comforting thought. 

  8. Get a grief education. I think when people are grieving, they think they are the only people in the world who are experiencing grief or who have had loss. When people start to study grief by reading books about grief and loss or attending support groups, they learn that they’re not alone and get tools and techniques that really can help. 

If you have had a loss, review this list, figure out what you can do now, and put it into action. If you know someone who has had a loss, please share this with them and let them know you are there for them. Yes, you can heal after a loss, and I know because I lived it. There is hope.  

Read more about surviving and thriving after grief and loss in Shawn Doyle’s The Sun Still Rises, available from AmazonBarnes & NobleAudibleGoogle PlayiTunes, and other major retailers. 

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Eileen Rockwell Eileen Rockwell

Chief Happiness Officer Strategy #3: Encourage Wellness by Simon T. Bailey

The job of the Chief Happiness Officer is to encourage wellness and well-being on the front end. Invite people to think about things like: Are they eating properly? Are they taking mental breaks? Are they getting enough rest? (Arianna Huffington has written a plethora of articles and devoted a whole book to the idea of a “sleep revolution” that shatters the exaltation of the sleep-deprived executive. Huffington argues that sleep is the new competitive edge, and she encourages everyone to get more sleep in order to succeed in work and life.) 

Paul Zane Pilzer wrote a book titled The Wellness Revolution: How to Make a Fortune in the Next Trillion Dollar Industry. Pilzer is a Harvard-trained economist and thought leader around this whole wellness movement. One of the things he talks about is how businesses don’t want to be in the healthcare business because healthcare costs too much on the back end. 

The job of the Chief Happiness Officer is to encourage wellness and well-being on the front end. Invite people to think about things like: Are they eating properly? Are they taking mental breaks? Are they getting enough rest? (Arianna Huffington has written a plethora of articles and devoted a whole book to the idea of a “sleep revolution” that shatters the exaltation of the sleep-deprived executive. Huffington argues that sleep is the new competitive edge, and she encourages everyone to get more sleep in order to succeed in work and life.) 

For the good of both the holistic person and the organization, the Chief Happiness Officer must be the proponent within the organization of prioritizing things like meditation and sleep rooms. People are spending 8 to 10 to 12 hours a day in the business. They’re at work more than they’re at home, so businesses have to be places that really care about their employees in order to earn the right to their best work. 

Another example of something the Chief Happiness Officer should consider is, how do we think about nutrition that’s offered in the employee cafeteria or in break areas? One of my favorite examples is my experience at the offices. They have probably one of the healthiest employee cafeterias I’ve ever been in. There’s no fried food, everything is green, there’s a lot of kale, and what that said to me is they care about what employees put into their bodies. 

Provide an abundance of physical fitness resources that will cater to multiple interests. For example, go beyond just having a fitness center relationship with one gym. Consider: How do you begin to collaborate with other gyms that have a different format, like CrossFit or Pure Barre? 

The Chief Happiness Officer literally can increase employee happiness and boost the bottom line by offering preventative measures. They can help people think about what they need mentally and how much sleep they’ve had, and they can help ensure that people exercise and eat well. Show people the benefits of living a healthy lifestyle, because if they live a healthy lifestyle they’ll have longevity—not just for the business, but for their loved ones and for themselves. 

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The original post appeared here on Simon T. Bailey’s website and has been slightly modified for republication. For more inspiration from the author, pick up a copy of his books Shift Your Brilliance: Harnessing the Power of You, Inc. and Brilliant Living: 31 Insights to Creating an Awesome Life 

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Eileen Rockwell Eileen Rockwell

Elevate Your Mind by Jim Stovall

I hate to be the one to give you the bad news, but life is not fair. Life is great, it’s grand, and it’s wonderful, as well as being the only game in town—but it’s not fair. We don’t always get what we want, need, or even deserve, but we will always eventually get what we expect. 

I hate to be the one to give you the bad news, but life is not fair. Life is great, it’s grand, and it’s wonderful, as well as being the only game in town—but it’s not fair. We don’t always get what we want, need, or even deserve, but we will always eventually get what we expect. 

Our vision drives our expectations, which drives our performance, which creates our results. You cannot outperform the vision you have of yourself. You may think it odd to be getting advice from a blind person about vision; however, vision is the opposite in many ways of sight. Sight tells you where you are and what’s around you. Vision tells you where you could be and what is possible.  

My mentor and friend Jack Nicklaus often says, “I never hit a successful golf shot until I visualize it in my mind going exactly where I want it to go.”  

In order to supercharge our vision, we often need to get away from the mundane and ordinary elements of life to explore the realm of possibility. Pablo Picasso said, “Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.” Oftentimes, we get so caught up in maintaining the status quo that we forget to consider the universe of options and opportunities. It’s easy to become so busy making a living that we forget to make a life.  

There are certain works of literature and pieces of music that can elevate my thinking and get me away from the day-to-day routine of responsibilities. It’s important, periodically, to rise above the fray, gain a new perspective, and evaluate your course. Habits are good and can serve us well within our daily routine, but we must form an additional habit of re-examining the routine so that we can be not only productive but creative.  

My friend and colleague Paula Marshall and I wrote a book together entitled The Executive Entrepreneur. Paula is the third-generation CEO of a multimillion-dollar, multinational company, and I am a startup entrepreneur. Paula and I discovered that executives need elements of entrepreneurship to stay current and creative, and entrepreneurs need executive training to manage what they have built.  

As you go through your day today, take care of the here and now, but consider the realm of possibilities. 

Today’s the day! 

This and other motivational pieces by bestselling author Jim Stovall can be found in his latest collection of columns, Wisdom for Winners Volume Four, an official publication of the Napoleon Hill Foundation.  

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Eileen Rockwell Eileen Rockwell

Should I Be Creating a Life for Myself or My Ideal Self? By Jennifer Janechek

I just finished reading Cait Flanders’s The Year of Less (Hay House, 2018), which is an incredibly moving memoir about the year the author put herself on a shopping ban, decluttered and gave away 70 percent of her belongings, left her corporate career to pursue her freelance writing work full time, and attempted to locate her authentic self—without the fillers of consumerism, alcohol, and toxic relationships. 

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I just finished reading Cait Flanders’s The Year of Less (Hay House, 2018), which is an incredibly moving memoir about the year the author put herself on a shopping ban, decluttered and gave away 70 percent of her belongings, left her corporate career to pursue her freelance writing work full time, and attempted to locate her authentic self—without the fillers of consumerism, alcohol, and toxic relationships. 

Like half of her blog readers (she runs, formerly, whom she says fill her comment sections with posts about admiring her dedication to minimalism while expressing doubt that they could ever do the same, I found myself reflecting while reading about how I engage in similar destructive consumer behaviors—wasting a considerable portion of my “free time” on online shopping sites and frequently making impulse purchases that leave me less than satisfied and that detract from my ability to save—but not sure whether that exact approach was right for me. After all, as a fashion lover, I am someone who derives great pleasure from certain clothing and shoe purchases. At the same time, her book made me realize that I definitely need to bring more mindfulness to my purchasing practices. But what should mindful purchasing look like for me? And how might it look different for different consumers? 

In a chapter aptly subtitled “letting go of the future,” Cait offers the following guiding question: “Who are you buying this for: the person you are, or the person you want to be?”  

This question really gave me pause. I felt—and still feel—conflicted about it. On the one hand, I recognize the importance of honoring the person you are and not trying to buy things to fill a void or to present an inauthentic version of yourself just to be accepted. On the other hand, I also see the importance of being the best version of yourself, which entails, to some degree, creating a life for the person you want to be—not necessarily the person you are at the moment.  

I understand Cait’s dilemma: she, like all of us I’m sure have done at some point or another, bought clothes, books, and project materials that she never used simply because she wanted the be the sort of person who wore, read, and did those types of things; so those purchases ultimately were a waste of money and became clutter (both emotional and physical). And there is a real trap, especially in the modern influencer-led world of social media, in marketing strategies that make you feel bad about your life so that you will make purchases in the hopes of achieving an ever-elusive ideal (read: more photogenic) life. 

Perhaps mindful purchasing has more to do, then, with not buying items to be more like another person, opting instead to direct funds only to those things that are really for you, whether the you you are now or the you you want to be (as long as that you isn’t someone else). Obviously, disentangling the best or ideal version of yourself from the “best” version of someone else as presented in ads, social media, or even friendships is incredibly difficult, because marketing messages and ideologies of consumerism operate at such complex psychological levels that it’s often hard to discern the true roots of “wants.” But if that mental and emotional work can be done even in part, it seems like that would go a long way in determining whether a particular purchase will add value to one’s life. After closing the book, I decided to institute a waiting period before making any discretionary purchases—to spend three days mulling over why I wanted the item, what it will be used for (and how much use it will get), and whether it would add enough value to my life to justify the cost. It’s not the 30 days that Cait recommends, but I think it’s enough of a safeguard to prevent impulse—or what she terms “blackout”—buys. 

Even if I can’t full decontextualize “ideal me” from the web of marketing ploys, it is possible for me to shift from being a “binge consumer” to being a more mindful consumer. To this end, I found Cait’s near-to-closing remarks encouraging: “Remember that all you’re committing to is slowing down and asking yourself what you really want, rather than acting on impulse. That’s it. That’s what being a ‘mindful’ consumer is all about.” 

How do you determine the “value” of purchases? What decluttering/minimalism strategies have worked for you? Where do you stand on the issue of making purchases for your current self vs. your ideal self? 

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