Resolve to Read Every Day in 2021 by Jennifer Janechek

Photo by Fabiola Peñalba for Unsplash

Approximately 1 in 4 adults (27%) made it all the way through 2020 without reading a single book—audiobooks included. To be fair, the year came with unprecedented difficulties. But the benefits of reading are too important to be ignored. Consider the following research-backed perks of reading and make a plan to incorporate reading into your daily routine in 2021. 

  1. Better Brain Functioning  
    Reading strengthens the synapses in your brain, enabling you to think more coherently and more efficiently. It also forms new cognitive pathways, which improves your memory and aids in self-regulation

  2. Stronger Critical-Thinking Skills 
    According to Richard Arum and Josipa Roksa in their book Academically Adrift, 75 percent of employers claim that the students they hire out of high school or college lack essential critical-thinking and problem-solving skills. Reading and critical thinking are essentially synonymous. As Florida State University Professor of English Robin Goodman says, “Reading is critical thinking and critical thinking is reading.” Even reading for comprehension forces you to evaluate others’ ideas. As you conceptualize, analyze, and assess the information presented in a book, you become more adept at big-picture thinking and think more deeply about the world in which you live. Reading is so integral to building critical-thinking skills that U.S. News & World Report advises adolescents to partake in book clubs prior to entering college. 

  3. Enhanced Focus 
    Ever find yourself struggling to concentrate? The pressure to multitask, combined with the cognitive demands of living in a hypermediated world, has chipped away at our ability to focus. Reading for 15–20 minutes a day draws you into the world of the book, focusing all of your attention on the story or concept being presented. The benefits don’t disappear after you close the book, either. Research has shown that those who read in the morning enjoy enhanced focus (and thus improved productivity) during their workday as well. 

  4. Expanded Vocabulary 
    People who read regularly boast a better vocabulary than those who don’t. Think a bigger vocabulary doesn’t matter? Think again. Vocabulary size impacts various life experiences, from standardized test performance to job opportunities. Beyond signifying intelligence, an expanded vocabulary improves your ability to communicate—to find just the right word for a given situation (as well as to know which words to avoid). Reading provides contextual understanding of words for which other forms of language acquisition don’t provide. 

  5. Opportunity for Self-Discovery 
    Reading forces you to encounter your true self in a way that no other activity does. When you read, you hear your inner voice process the text as well as the thoughts that emerge from it. You have the time and space to explore your interiority and wrestle with questions that promote personal growth.  

  6. Increased Empathy and Appreciation for Diversity 
    Encountering the ideas of others—openly, without judgment—increases your empathy, or your ability not only to understand intellectually what someone else’s experience and perspective might be like (that’s sympathy), but to understand and appreciate it on an emotional level. Reading fiction places you in the shoes of all different types of characters, and reading nonfiction exposes you to ideas and lived experiences that you might not have otherwise considered. The more you read, the more you gain an appreciation for diversity in all its forms. 

  7. Reduced Stress and Improved Mental Health 
    Research has shown that reading for 30 minutes “lower[s] blood pressure, heart rate, and feelings of psychological distress.” Another study claims that reading could reduce stress by up to 68 percent. Reading can also combat depression by fostering connection—yes, even with imaginary worlds and characters. As you escape from your own world (while reading fiction) or imagine yourself in conversation with others (as through nonfiction), you feel less isolated. Moreover, you can discover others whose experiences might resonate with your own and, with the case of personal development books, learn strategies for growth in areas with which you might struggle.  

  8. Better Sleep 
    According to the Mayo Clinic, reading helps you establish a relaxed state that can make sleep easier to come by. Note that for those struggling with sleep, print books might be preferable to screen reading because the light from electronic devices can disrupt the body’s preparation for sleep. 

  9. Prolonged Life Expectancy 
    Reading keeps you mentally stimulated, which can ward off age-related diseases such as Alzheimer’s. Moreover, a study published in Innovation in Aging indicated the presence of other physical benefits as well. According to this study, those who read books live about 2 years longer than non-book readers, and those who read for more than 3.5 hours every week have a 23 percent chance of outliving those who do not read. 

All of these benefits are not tied to specific genres of books; each has its own value, so it’s important to incorporate fiction and nonfiction alike into your reading plan. Check out Sound Wisdom’s full list of titles to motivate your personal growth through reading in 2021, and be sure to sign up to receive exclusive offers and notifications about upcoming publications. 

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Jennifer Janechek is the director of content strategy for Sound Wisdom and the founder of Work–Home–Life, an online magazine and virtual community for remote and hybrid workers, freelancers, digital nomads, and entrepreneurs with home offices. She is also the host of The Sound Wisdom Podcast, which you can watch on the Sound Wisdom YouTube channel or listen to on Anchor or wherever you listen to podcasts!


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