Reaching a Goal Does Not Require Perfection by Eliz Greene

Are you having one of those days? Or maybe one of those weeks? Me too… 

Sometimes it seems that I get everything set up and I’m ready to take on the world—and then an unexpected challenge appears to knock me off my path. 

Sound familiar? 

When we set a goal—for our wellness, productivity, or sanity—it is easy to be derailed when things don’t go as we planned. Too often, a setback becomes a derailment—and our goal fizzles away. 

What do we do? How do we keep working toward a goal when we’ve stepped off the path to success? 

Here is something I say to myself most days: Life is not about perfection. It’s about moving in the right direction! 

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Give yourself grace if you stepped off the past yesterday (or this morning)! Take a breath. Readjust your expectations. Celebrate something (any move toward your goal). And GET BACK ON!!  

  • Take a breath. 

  • Readjust your expectations. 

  • Celebrate something (any move toward your goal). 

  • GET BACK ON!! 

My new book, Stress-Proof Your Life, has strategies to treat stress management as a hard skill and make small changes that can make a big difference in your ability to perform under pressure, feel better, and enjoy life. 

Are you getting back on the path? What are you celebrating today? Please share it in a comment below. 

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Engaging in person and virtually, Eliz Greene delivers data-driven insights on stress and leadership. Whether it is a webinar on coping with uncertainty or a day-long workshop to delve into stress caused by overwhelm, Eliz's humorous stories, energetic style, and implementable solutions deliver memorable content and motivation for change. Her most recent book, Stress-Proof Your Life: High Performance Under Pressure, is now available from Sound Wisdom. This article was originally published on


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