The Way to Wealth

By Benjamin Franklin


The Way to Wealth

Read the book that has defined the American spirit as rooted in a drive for self-improvement and inspired millions to live according to the practical values of hard work and thrift.

Everyone knows Benjamin Franklin’s famous adages like “Early to bed, and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise” and “Never leave that till to-morrow, which you can do to-day.” These famous maxims derive from a 1758 essay, originally published as a preface to Poor Richard’s Almanack, that has since become one of the most widely circulated economic texts in history—appearing in over 1,100 versions and translated into over 26 languages before 1850 alone. An author, inventor, scientist, politician, and leading Founding Father, Franklin wrote the definitive text on the pragmatic path to prosperity that the average individual could follow.

Well known for its simplicity and practicality, Benjamin Franklin’s The Way to Wealth is America’s first, and likely most accessible, book on personal finance. In it, “Father Abraham” delivers a sermon to an audience that is a collection of Poor Richard’s best advice and aphorisms on life and work. Learn the timeless lessons responsible for the greatness of the American nation and its capitalistic systems. Frugality, work ethic, education, and community-mindedness—these are the commonsense principles that have inspired countless millions to improve themselves by taking responsibility for their future. Now you too can enjoy them as you apply their insight to better manage your finances, habits, and relationships.

This new edition includes bonus content on “31 Quick Tips to Make Money, Get Out of Debt, and Achieve Early Retirement” inspired by Franklin’s financial treatise. Discover how Franklin’s lessons can be quickly and easily applied to modern scenarios in a 31-day plan for financial peace through effective time and money management.