The Monday Morning Christian

By Howard Partridge


The Monday Morning Christian

“There’s no on-off switch for a faith fully lived. The Monday Morning Christian will show you how to naturally integrate your faith in your work and leadership for greater impact.”

—Dave Ramsey, Best Selling Author and Radio Host

The Monday Morning Christian helps believers understand how living out their faith in business every day of the week instead of just on Sunday, not only helps them respond to the trials and tribulations in the rough and tumble business world, but also how leading God’s way leads to a success that outshines what a person can do on their own. 

Many Christians feel like they can only display their faith at church. Becoming a “Monday Morning Christian” instead of only a “Sunday Morning” one will unleash your potential to achieve phenomenal performance. 

In this book, Howard Partridge will teach you how to: 

  • Understand your identity so you can live out of your position instead of your condition 

  • Lead others into a relationship with God instead of a religion about God 

  • Have the success in business God wants you to have. 

  • Respond to the challenges of business life God’s way, instead of the world’s way

  • Find God’s purpose for your life, and your business

  • Have a tremendous impact in the marketplace today and forever

Becoming a consistent Monday Morning Christian will help you live out the purpose God has for you, so you can realize your full potential, not just in business, but also in life!


howard partridge

Howard Partridge is originally from "L.A" (Lower Alabama). Growing up on welfare, there were 7 kids crammed in a tiny 600 square foot shack. The roof was so bad that when it rained, they had to get out the pots and pans to catch the leaks. His mother fed the family on $100.00 a month at one point. 

When Howard was 18, he climbed on Greyhound Bus to Houston, Texas. He had 25 cents in his pocket. After becoming a professional waiter, he started his first business from the trunk of his car. 

After struggling for a number of years, he learned the "secrets" of a "phenomenal" business and transformed that business into a multimillion dollar enterprise. He has owned 9 small businesses altogether. 

He began teaching his systems to other business owners in 1998, and has become the exclusive small business coach for the Zig Ziglar Corporation, a founding member of the John Maxwell Coaching Team, and currently helps small businesses worldwide improve their businesses which in turn is helping them change their lives. 

Howard is president of Phenomenal Products, Inc. which provides training programs for small business owners.

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